Friday, February 26, 2016

Chapter Meeting Minutes-Updates

From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Good Day Everyone:

Please find attached the minutes to the Chapter meeting on 2/24/16. Thank you to everyone who attended and a special thank you to the Executive Board for their continuing support and personal volunteer time used to make things better for our chapter members. There is much work involved behind the scenes and recognition is always welcomed. Our meeting was, as usual, informative and lots of fun.  Please join us whenever possible. Support is always welcomed too. 

At 3:05 pm, President Karen Ayala opened the meeting.  Present were: Karen Ayala, Terri Nadell, Nancy Duns, Alex Young, Debbie Aviron, Luz Lopez, Erika Greene, Laura Keaton, Araceli Castaneda, Al Merino, Liliana Nazarian, Donna Prieto, Catherine Brady
·         Minutes of December 9, 2015 Chapter Meeting
·         Treasurer’s report
·         Chapter Meeting Agenda
Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved by Laura Keaton, seconded by Nancy Duns with no changes.
Secretary’s Report: The December 9, 2015 Chapter minutes were approved by Terri Nadell, seconded by Nancy Duns, with no changes.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was approved by Alex Young, seconded by Laura Keaton with no changes.
Request for Approval of Laptop Purchase for CSEA Chapter Use: The purchase of a laptop for Executive Board and Webmaster Union use was approved.  The laptop will be used at the Chapter and Executive Board meetings, minutes, agenda and other note taking requirements and to update the Blog created for our Chapter by Alex Young, Webmaster.
New CSEA Chapter Blog: Alex created and presented the new CSEA Chapter Blog. Karen will provide the link to the Blog in future chapter communications.  We will be posting Chapter meeting schedules and agenda’s. Also flyers pertaining to upcoming conferences and trainings.
Increasing Para-educators Conference Budget: Liliana provided the estimated cost for both Araceli and her to go to the Para-educator Conference in April 2016, of about $1300.00. Our current budget is $700.00 to cover the total cost we will need to add $800.00 to the budget. This will bring the budget to $1500.00 to cover all costs. Liliana and Araceli will discuss their experience at the conference during their professional development meeting which was requested by Janelle Campbell, Director of Special Education. Mary Jane Burke approved paying for their registration costs as she has in the past through MCOE funds.


Year End Celebration at Hopmonk Tavern: The celebration will be June 8, 2016 from 4:00 – 6:00pm. We will be including two items from the appetizer menu or one item from the regular menu not to exceed $15.00 per person. As usual, no alcohol can be paid for by the union. RSVP’s will be required for the purpose of letting the restaurant set-up and prepare. This is greatly appreciated by all.


Union Steward Training Attended by one of our Para-educators: Two of our staff has shown interest in the Union Steward trainings.  Charlene Marie and Claudine Hathaway both attended. Our understanding is that Claudine is on her way to the second portion of the training.  This gives the opportunity for ease on any one person doing everything. So thank you!


Good of the Order: Karen thanked Alex for picking up the food and the great job of creating the online Blog which took lots of personal time and thought.  Karen also thanked Liliana and Araceli for attending the Para-educator Conference this year in April.  Donna requested information regarding the use of break or PN to attend CSEA meetings.  We had 2 new hires attend the meeting and a first time attendance of another member.


Adjournment was at 3:50 pm

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Good Morning Members:

Please attend our Chapter meeting on 2/24 from 3-4PM.  See attached agenda.  Thanks much.

Chapter Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

3:00-4:00 pm

Marin Room

Light Appetizers Served – Please join us!

Approval of agenda

Secretary’s report

Treasurer’s report

Chapter business

·         Increasing Para-educators Conference Budget to $1000.00

·         Request for approval of laptop purchase for CSEA Chapter use

·         New CSEA Chapter Blog

·         Year End Celebration at Hopmonk Tavern

·         Union Steward Training attended by one of our Para-educators

                 Good of the Order


Friday, February 12, 2016

CSEA District B February 2016 Retiree Newsletter

From Nancy Malcolm, Area B Communications Committee Member:


Here's District B February 2016 Retiree Newsletter.  Please feel free to share.  Have a great evening.

Click here to view.

Monday, February 8, 2016

CSEA Area B February 2016 Newsletter

From Nancy Malcolm, Marin Council 5013 President:

Greetings everyone,

I hope 2016 is shaping up to be a great year for you.

Attached is the Area B February 2016 Newsletter. Enjoy. Please share with and forward to your chapter members. I’ve sent this newsletter to chapter presidents, public relations/communication officers, and regional representatives.

Remember to send me your chapter newsletters and items of interest so I can post them on the Area B website!

Have a great day!

Click here to view.

Friday, February 5, 2016

2016 Chapter Meeting Schedule - Revised

3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Marin Room
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Tech Center
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Year End Party-Hopmonk Tavern
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Marin Room
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Marin Room
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Marin Room 3:00-3:30pm
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Holiday Party- Hopmonk