Friday, July 1, 2016

6-9-16 Chapter Minutes

Chapter Meeting
June 9, 2016
Hopmonk Tavern 4:00-6:00pm
At 4:15 pm, President Karen Ayala opened the meeting.  Present were: Karen Ayala, Terri Nadell, Nancy Duns, Alex Young, Debbie Aviron, Diana Dawson, Liliana Nazarian, Laura Keaton, Adriane Lommel, Erika Greene, and Erin Feely
·         Chapter Meeting Agenda
·         Minutes of April 20, 2016 Chapter Meeting
·         Treasurer’s report
·         Chapter meeting dates schedule

Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved by Nancy Duns, seconded by Laura Keaton with no changes.
Secretary’s Report: The chapter minutes were approved by Laura Keaton, seconded by Terri Nadell with no changes.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was approved by Terri Nadell, seconded by Adriane Lommel with no changes.
Chapter Meeting Dates for remainder of the year: A revised list of dates was distributed to everyone for the meetings throughout the end of this year.  We will schedule 2017 upon everyone’s return from summer vacation.

Release Time/Meetings: Karen reminded everyone that they need to take lunch, PN or vacation time to attend Chapter Meetings.  Adriane asked if our electronic time sheets had an area to record the “other time.” Answer, yes.

Professional Growth: The Professional Growth reimbursement period is closed this year.  We will not receive funds till possibly October of this year.  We need to wait till the new budget is rolled.

Scholarship Fund: Revised forms were handed out for review.  Alex also posted the updated forms on the CSEA blog.

Paraeducators Conference Presentation: Liliana spoke about the Paraeducator Conference she and Araceli attended.  The conference was in Ontario and about 3500 people attended this year.  She mentioned there was a variety of workshops and trainings to attend.  Many different subjects were covered to assist Paras with needs on their jobs.  She mentioned their travel planning was more work this year and it would be helpful if the Paras attending did not have to pay up front for the attendance of the conference, as some may not be able to afford to do this.  Adriane mentioned there is a “Travel Advance Form” that may be helpful in this case.  Karen will look into what is needed to use this form.  Liliana thanked the membership for the opportunity to attend this conference again this year.

Good of the Order: Adriane asked Karen to follow-up with management on how much release time has been used this year. Adriane mentioned it is always a good idea to keep track of what is used. Karen will address this in our next meeting and thanked Adriane for the question.  Karen thanked everyone for attending and we conducted the raffle at the end of the meeting.  We used everyone’s names that attended and delivered the Starbucks cards to the 5 winners.

Adjournment was at 5:20 pm