Tuesday, August 30, 2016

From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Hello Everyone:

We have the date for the RETIREMENT workshop which will be given by Deb Jachens (CSEA) on September 28, 2016 from 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM at the Marin County Office of Education in the Board room.
We need RSVP’s by September 20, as we only have a certain amount of laptops and the room is not huge either. However, if you have a laptop or ipad, you can bring in just in case and use it.
Also, be sure to have your 10 digit Calpers ID. If you don’t have it, here is the number to call for it. CalPERS 888-225-7377 for your ID.
Thank you and remember to RSVP as room is limited.

Best Regards

Monday, August 29, 2016

From Markey Lees, Labor Relations Representative:

Information on CSEA sponsored Pre-Retirement Seminar for CalPERS members of all ages occurring on Saturday, September 17.

LEARN NOW how CalPERS pays you later

Friday, August 26, 2016

8-16-16 Chapter Minutes

Chapter Meeting
August 16, 2016
Room B 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
At 2:31 pm, President Karen Ayala opened the meeting.  Present were: Karen Ayala, Terri Nadell, Nancy Duns, Alex Young, Debbie Aviron, Erika Greene, Araceli Castaneda, Adriane Lommel and Catherine Brady
·         Chapter Meeting Agenda
·         Minutes of June 9, 2016 Chapter Meeting
·         Treasurer’s report

Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved by Nancy Duns, seconded by Alex Young,             with no changes.
Secretary’s Report: The chapter minutes were approved by Nancy Duns, seconded by Alex Young, with no changes.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was approved by Alex Young, seconded by Terri Nadell, with no changes.
Constitution and By Laws: Have been revised, the last revision was 1996.  The revised
C and B’s were presented to the Chapter for reading and comments.  The revisions were meeting dates, every other month and dues, now $40.00 per year.  Some adjusts were made, such as all correspondence to Chapter Members will be via email not mail. We will present the C and B’s again at the next chapter meeting for approval.

Professional Growth Funds: The funds have not been released yet, Karen is following up with Raquel on the final amount. Once funds are approved Karen will email the chapter. We are considering raising the disbursement amount for the membership to $200.00 per reimbursement period only if the funds are available to do so. Remember, these funds are on a first come, first served basis.

Elections: We will be holding elections in October and November.  Any qualified members interested in any Board position should notify the Board and attend the October Chapter meeting. All of the officer’s terms are up in December.

Office Communications: The point was mentioned that many employees miss the hallway meetings and information that is passed on.  Email notification of meetings was mentioned in a possible way to inform employees of meetings so more can attend or follow up on what was discussed. This may be brought up to Mary Jane’s Office in the future. However, this is not a union type matter but rather Mary Jane’s options. Anyone is welcome to communicate their interest in these meetings directly to her office.

Good of the Order: Alex thanked Karen for her Presidency and work on behalf of the CSEA Chapter #327.  Erika thanked the Board for all the work updating the Constitution and By Laws.  Karen appreciated Erika for attending all the Chapter Meetings.

Adjournment was at 3:25 pm

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Labor Day: What does it mean?

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to honor the social and economic achievements of American workers.
This year, Labor Day is Monday, Sept 2. Labor Day isn’t just about unions. It’s a national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

History of Labor Day

The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1882 in New York City in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. On that day, about 20,000 workers marched to demand an eight-hour workday and other labor law reforms. In a parade up Broadway in New York City, workers carried banners reading, “Labor Creates All Wealth” and “Eight Hours for Work, Eight Hours for Rest, Eight Hours for Recreation.” About a quarter million New Yorkers turned out to watch.
After the first Labor Day in New York City, celebrations began to spread to other states as workers fought to win workplace rights and better working conditions and wages at a time when they had little power. In 1893, New York City workers took an unpaid day off and marched around Union Square in support of a national Labor Day.
The following year, 12,000 federal troops were called into Pullman, Ill., to break up a huge strike against the Pullman railway company and two workers were shot and killed by U.S. deputy marshals. In what most historians call an election year attempt to appease workers after the federal crackdown on the Pullman strike, shortly after the strike was broken, President Grover Cleveland signed legislation making the first Monday in September Labor Day and a federal holiday. Cleveland lost the election but Labor Day was now federally recognized.

Labor Day today

Through the years, the country has given increasing emphasis to Labor Day. With labor unions fighting for survival and workers fighting for a living way and to preserve overtime pay, recognizing the contributions of American workers is just as important today as it was more than 100 years ago when Labor Day was first celebrated.

Agenda Chapter Meeting

From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Good Morning Everyone and Welcome Back!

We hope you had a great summer.  Below is the agenda for our Chapter 327 meeting this month.
We look forward to a fantastic new year filled with peace of mind and happiness and a fresh new start.
Let's all try and find a way to make this happen!
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting as well as at Back to School!

Chapter Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
2:30-3:30 pm
Cabinet Room

Approval of agenda
Secretary’s report
Treasurer’s report
Chapter business

·         Revised Constitution and Bylaws
·         Professional Growth Update
·         Elections

                 Good of the Order
