Tuesday, August 29, 2017

From Vickie Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Dear CSEA Chapter Members,

I hope the new year is starting out well for you!

Thanks to those of you who have completed the Classified Employees Survey.  This is an important tool for your bargaining team as we begin planning for negotiations for the 2018-19 school year.  I’ve received 25% of the surveys which were given out at Back-to-School or mailed if not picked up.  I know there are a lot more opinions out there, so please get them in!  The deadline is this Friday, September 1.  You can scan and e-mail to me at vascher @ comcast.net, mail to MCOE, P.O. Box 4925, San Rafael, 94913 or drop it in the envelope by my desk in Education Support Services marked “CSEA Surveys.”  Click here for the survey

Also click here for a Professional/Personal  Growth reimbursement application for classes, workshops, health memberships, etc.    If you have questions about how to apply, or the specifics of the program, please contact me. 

Finally, there will be a MCOE/CSEA Benefits Fair next Wednesday, September 6, 1-4pm in the Marin Room at MCOE.  Watch for an announcement from Tracey Edmunds.  Please note:  this is different from the Member Benefit presentation we will have at our October 25 chapter meeting, which will pertain to CSEA benefits exclusively.  The September 6 event has more to do with open enrollment choices as it relates to health benefits and possibly some credit union and tax information as well.  Feel free to come to both if you can.