Friday, October 20, 2017

OCTOBER 25 Chapter Meeting - Member Benefits Presentation

From Vickie Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Dear CSEA Chapter Members,

Join us at our next chapter meeting, Wednesday, October 25 to hear a Member Benefits presentation by Beth Mattson, the Member Benefits Coordinator from CSEA headquarters in San Jose.  She will provide information regarding how you can use your CSEA membership to save $.

Also, we will entertain nominations for leadership positions for 2018.

Click here for the AGENDA and MINUTES from our last chapter meeting.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Union Steward Training

From Vickie Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Hi all,

Please click HERE for the flyer for upcoming Union Steward trainings – Level 1 on October 21, Level 2 on December 2.  This is a great opportunity to learn about employee rights, conflict resolution and much more in a small group with lively discussion in a relaxed environment.  Become involved in your union – we need you!

Registration is required, there is no cost and lunch will be provided.    

Thursday, October 12, 2017

CSEA working to help members impacted by wildfires

From CSEA Newslink:

CSEA sends our deepest concern to our members and families being affected by the North Bay Wildfires (Tubbs, Atlas Peak, Nuns and Partrick fires) in the Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake County communities.
“It’s heartbreaking to see people lose so much, so quickly,” Association President Ben ValdepeƱa said. “Our CSEA family takes care of one another, and we are reaching out to help those affected by the fires.”
CSEA member leaders and staff are actively working with members impacted by the fires. CSEA provides emergency assistance to members in good standing whose primary residence is deemed uninhabitable and partially or temporarily condemned by an official agency.
The Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund provides financial relief to members in need. The fund subsists solely on the generous donations of CSEA members and is disbursed through two different programs: The Emergency Assistance Program and the Humanitarian Assistance Program. CSEA members who have been impacted can apply for up to $1,000 in emergency assistance. Visit for applications and forms.

Support for the Dorothy Bjork Fund doesn’t come from union dues—it relies solely on donations from our CSEA family. If you’ve already made a donation, thank you for your generosity. If not, please consider how much your contribution will be appreciated by those members in need. To make a donation, call CSEA Member Benefits at 866-ITS-CSEA (866-487-2732) or click HERE for additional options. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Assistance for members who lost their homes during the fires

From Vicki Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Hello everyone,

The past two days have been extremely difficult to say the least.  My heart goes out to all who have been effected by the recent fires. I wanted you to be aware that CSEA is participating in dedicated efforts to support our Classified members who have been affected by this tragic fire . 
Click here for the Emergency Relief Assistance Announcement and click here for the Emergency Assistance Application that explains how affected CSEA members can apply for funds. CSEA offers Emergency Relief Assistance by providing emergency funds to subsidize losses experienced by evacuation or loss of home. The maximum assistance under the program is $1,000 per applicant. Please contact CSEA Member Benefits Director, Karin Buckner at (800) 632- 2128 x 1234 or kbuckner @ to see if you qualify for emergency assistance.

Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Assistance for members who lost their home to the fires

From Vickie Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Dear CSEA Chapter 327,
I am reaching out to everyone to check in to see if anyone has been affected by the fires. If you know of any of our CSEA brothers or sisters please have them contact me. Click here for the Dorothy Bjork emergency assistance form. The Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund provides financial relief to members in need. The Assistance Fund, which subsists solely on the generous donations of CSEA members, is disbursed through two different programs: the Emergency Assistance Program and the Humanitarian Assistance Program.

§  For details: Read CSEA policy 1010.4
§  For assistance: Contact CSEA Member Benefits

Humanitarian Assistance Program

When a member incurs significant financial hardship due to circumstances beyond their control, that member can apply for up to $500 of financial relief through the Humanitarian Assistance Program. Applications and corroborating documentation must be submitted to CSEA Member Benefits within 30 days of the financial emergency. If approved, payments will be made directly to appropriate vendors (utility company, landlord, mortgage lender, etc.).
§  For details: Read CSEA policy 1010.3
§  For assistance: Contact CSEA Member Benefits


To be eligible for any of the programs in the Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund, you must be a CSEA member in good standing or a CSEA staff employee in paid status. Full details and eligibility requirements are detailed in CSEA Policy 1010.

Fund relies on donations

Support for the Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund doesn’t come from union dues—it relies solely on donations from our CSEA family. If you’ve already made a donation, thank you for your generosity. If not, please consider how much your contribution will be appreciated by those members in need.
Some chapter members vote to take a certain amount out of their general fund. Others hold fundraisers like bake sales or bingo tournaments. Even passing a hat at chapter meetings can help the fund. And you can always make an individual donation.

Donate by check

Please send your donation to:
Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund
2045 Lundy Avenue
San Jose, CA 95131

Donate by credit card

Call CSEA Member Benefits
866-ITS-CSEA (866-487-2732)

Donate by payroll deduction

We are Family

Dorothy Bjork, Association President from 1984 to 1986, adopted the theme “We are Family” and led the union’s first disaster relief effort, which helped scores of members recover from devastating floods in Northern California. Today, her legacy lives on, as CSEA members’ donations and volunteer efforts help hundreds of other members recover from natural disasters and personal crises.

Monday, October 9, 2017

October 25 - mark your calendars!

From Vickie Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Hello CSEA Members,

Be sure to attend our next chapter meeting on Wednesday, October 25.   The CSEA Member Benefits department will provide a presentation outlining the many benefits you receive through your CSEA membership.   

There will be a raffle for movie tickets, too.

Also, Click here for a Classified Professional/Personal Growth application for 2017-18.  I’ve received a few completed applications but there is a good-sized fund available - $5,025.24 as of today – and I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to be reimbursed for the things that feed your mind and body outside of your work hours.  If you have questions after reviewing the guidelines for reimbursement, please feel free to contact me. 

Happy Friday :)