Wednesday, March 21, 2018

REMINDER - Chapter Meeting Today!

From Vicki Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Hi all,

Final reminder for our Chapter Meeting today at 3:30 in the Foundation Room.

Also please remember that you can use your break(s) and/or PN to attend.

We’ll have a vote for our Area B Director and a presentation by the two Paraeducators who attended this year’s Paraeducator conference.

AND….a special raffle prize!

See you there…

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 21 - Chapter Meeting

From Vicki Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Dear Members,

Please see the attached AGENDA for our March 21st Chapter meeting.  Also attached are last month's MINUTES.

Also, we will conduct a Chapter vote to elect our Area B Director.  There are 10 Areas throughout the state of California and each has one Director.  This person represents our Area (B) on the CSEA Board of Directors.   INFORMATION about the two candidates is attached.  We are required to have three Election Tellers to conduct the secret ballot.  If you are interested in helping out with that, please let me know.  The process is very simple – it just needs to be done according to CSEA rules. 

Looking forward to seeing you next week J

Thursday, March 15, 2018

CSEA check-in

From Vicki Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Dear Walker Creek Ranch CSEA members,

We had planned to hold a monthly chapter meeting at WCR in April, but unfortunately, we are unable to do so.  We will schedule a site visit to WCR in May instead, during Classified School Employee Week (the week of May21).  We will send out a specific date when it is calendared.  Our regular Chapter meeting will take place at MCOE on April 18 at 3:30pm.

In the meantime, please see the two items of interest below:

* WCR employees have 100 hours of "release time" as contained in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 4.3.  You may use release time to attend Chapter meetings at MCOE or any other Association business.

* On Tuesday, March 13, our Initial Proposals for both blue and green units will be "sun-shined" (required by law to be made public) at the Marin County Board of Education meeting at MCOE.  There will not be discussion on the specifics of the proposals, but it would be a good idea for as many Chapter members as possible to attend to show our unity.  Please try to come if you can.  The meeting starts at 3:30 but our item will probably not be heard until at least 4pm.