Monday, September 26, 2016

CSEA Union Steward Training Announcement Level 1 and 2 - Marin Area

From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Please consider attending and helping out our membership.  Thanks much.

Click here to view the flyer.

Friday, September 23, 2016

EMPLOYEE REQUEST-Catastrophic Leave

From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Good Afternoon Everyone:

Please see the request below. Thank you in advance for your help.

In accordance with Article 8 section 8.15 of the CSEA contract the CSEA leadership has received a request for donations to help a member who qualifies for support under the catastrophic leave provision. The amount being requested is 160 hours.   On the member’s behalf, CSEA is asking for you to consider making a donation of your sick leave to help this member in need.
In order for you to make a donation,  you must maintain a minimum of 160 hours or 20 workdays of sick leave in your personal sick leave bank. The minimum donation is 4 hours and the maximum is 40 hours per school year.
If you are interested in giving a donation please respond email me (kayala@marinschools) with the amount that you are interested in donating.  The personnel department will verify that you have adequate leave available for this request.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Best Regards

Thursday, September 22, 2016


From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Hello Everyone:

Please read below and decide which workshop best suits your needs (if any) as space is limited.
For either workshop, please be sure you get your CalPers number.

First workshop: 9/28/16  - 2:30-5:00pm Board room, MCOE.
This workshop is for folks who are eligible and considering retirement in the next year or two.

Second workshop: Later part of February 2017.
This workshop is geared toward folks PLANNING for retirement in the next 5 years. Sign-ups for this, early Feb. MCOE.

ALSO, Please remember if you are not off during these hours, you will have to take either PN or Vacation time. If you have signed up for the workshop and think the second one works best for you, just email me (kayala@marinschools) and I’ll put you on the second one.

Hope this helps everyone who inquired about not retiring too soon but are interested in learning good information for their future.

Best Regards

Thursday, September 1, 2016

CSEA Area B Newsletter

From Nancy Malcom, Area B Communication Committee Member:

Greetings everyone,

Welcome to the new school year.  I hope you enjoy the September 2016 Area B Newsletter.

Click here to view