Thursday, September 22, 2016


From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Hello Everyone:

Please read below and decide which workshop best suits your needs (if any) as space is limited.
For either workshop, please be sure you get your CalPers number.

First workshop: 9/28/16  - 2:30-5:00pm Board room, MCOE.
This workshop is for folks who are eligible and considering retirement in the next year or two.

Second workshop: Later part of February 2017.
This workshop is geared toward folks PLANNING for retirement in the next 5 years. Sign-ups for this, early Feb. MCOE.

ALSO, Please remember if you are not off during these hours, you will have to take either PN or Vacation time. If you have signed up for the workshop and think the second one works best for you, just email me (kayala@marinschools) and I’ll put you on the second one.

Hope this helps everyone who inquired about not retiring too soon but are interested in learning good information for their future.

Best Regards