Monday, February 26, 2018

Chapter Meeting - February 28

From Vicki Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Dear Members,

We have a Chapter Meeting on Wednesday, February 28 at 3:30pm in Room A.   Click here for the AGENDA and the MINUTES from our last meeting in December for your review.

Items of business include tax return discount info. from H&R Block, an update on our Professional/Personal Growth fund, and nominations for the new position of 2nd Vice President.  Regarding the 2nd VP vacancy, your Executive Board is nominating a candidate, Christine Franceschi, for the position.

Any member in good standing is eligible to run – you must attend the chapter meeting and can either nominate yourself or have someone else nominate you.  If there is more than one candidate, we will have a secret ballot vote at the meeting.   These election procedures are found in our Chapter Constitution and By-Laws in Article IV, Section 6.  Please contact me if you have any questions. 

The 2nd VP assists the president in his/her duties and/or as may be assigned by the executive board.  The 2nd VP also works with the Chief Union Steward to call and conduct periodic meetings between Site Representatives and Union Stewards.

We look forward to expanding your leadership team!

Hope to see you on Feb. 28th  (If you aren’t able to attend the entire hour, the election will most likely take place at about 3:50-4pm.   You could come for that portion of the meeting if you’d like to participate.)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Message from your CSEA Chief Job Steward

From Adriane Lommel, Chapter 327 Chief Union Steward:

I would delighted to have anyone who is interested attend the Site Rep Training. If you can’t make it, please contact me as my greatest desire is to help our chapter to connect at the job site with as many members as possible.

Should you want to help as Site Rep, you will be able to work closely with me our future site visits, be a link between me and your co-workers and helping us all share the wealth of knowledge and celebrating the good things that happen and being creative when challenges arise.

You can contact me
aneutron @ or alommel @

Give it a try you might learn something new and be able to help us all stay together and informed.
Are you up for it!
Much love and it is always an honor and privilege to serve.

CSEA: upcoming

From Vicki Ascher, Chapter 327 President:

Hello Chapter #327,

Hope your New Year is off to a great beginning

I want to let you know about two items:

If you have ever considered becoming a Site Rep or would like to learn more about what that position is all about, there will be a Site Rep Training  on Thursday, February 1 at MCOE, 4:30 -6:30.  Our fabulous Labor Relations Representative, Markey Lees is presenting the workshop, so it’s sure to be a good time.  Registration is appreciated – click here to see details on the flyer

Secondly, our next Chapter Meeting is on Wednesday, February 28, 3:30pm at MCOE.  Agenda coming soon.  We currently have an opening for a Second Vice President on our Executive Board.  If you recall, our chapter voted to add a second VP  in November and we hope to elect a member to that newly created position at our February meeting.   Please consider joining your CSEA chapter leadership, or nominating someone you think would be interested in being part of our team. 

Stay tuned for more info. coming soon!