Thursday, February 15, 2018

Message from your CSEA Chief Job Steward

From Adriane Lommel, Chapter 327 Chief Union Steward:

I would delighted to have anyone who is interested attend the Site Rep Training. If you can’t make it, please contact me as my greatest desire is to help our chapter to connect at the job site with as many members as possible.

Should you want to help as Site Rep, you will be able to work closely with me our future site visits, be a link between me and your co-workers and helping us all share the wealth of knowledge and celebrating the good things that happen and being creative when challenges arise.

You can contact me
aneutron @ or alommel @

Give it a try you might learn something new and be able to help us all stay together and informed.
Are you up for it!
Much love and it is always an honor and privilege to serve.