Monday, September 24, 2018

Revised Health Benefits Matrix

From Kate Lane, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services:

Greetings all,

As you all know, the cap for health benefits increased by $100 to $1,105 effective October 1, 2018 in alignment with open enrollment and new benefit rates. The health benefits cap is traditionally applied to Dental, Vision and Life first with the remainder applied to medical benefits.

While updating payroll for the new rates we discovered an error in the CSEA unit #327 health benefits matrix (members in the blue unit only, exclusive of Walker Creek) that was previously sent out in the open enrollment packets, and wanted to be sure you have the correct matrix. I learned that we made a similar error on last year’s matrix and we have therefore developed a new internal control to have greater assurance we can prevent future errors.

The good news is that the vision plan (VSP) premium is lower, listed at $17.02 on the attached revised matrix rather than $19.25 per the original version distributed earlier.  The total monthly cap remains unchanged, but the distribution of the cap is changed as follows:

Total monthly cap = $1,105.00
Health insurance = $961.05 (+$2.23)
Dental/Life/Vision = $143.95 (-$2.23)

This change will effectively lower the dollar amounts in the “Employee Pays” column by $2.23 for all medical plans.
This change does not affect the Walker Creek CSEA unit #327 health benefits matrix, that remains unchanged.

No action is required for employees, unless you would like to make changes to your medical plan selection. If so, you will need to submit your plan change form to Personnel no later than September 28, 2018 by 5 pm.

If you have questions about the matrix, you can contact Michael Ghebregziabher at 415.499.5880.  If you have questions about benefits enrollment, you can contact the Personnel Department at 415.499.4854.

Thank you.

Click HERE for the Matrix.