Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Chapter minutes 4-20-16

From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Hello Everyone,

Please find the minutes below from our 4/20/16 Chapter 327 meeting.  It was really great to see such an awesome turn-out as well as some of our new hires at the meeting.  It was a very informative meeting as well as a lot of fun!  Thanks everyone for making it great and for your continued support as chapter members in all you do.

Since our Chapter meeting on June 8, 2016 is offsite, you will need to RSVP to me so I can give the correct number of people attending at HopMonk Tavern.  I will send out a reminder and request for an RSVP as we get closer to the date.

I am also entering the information I received from Markey Lees, Labor Rep, regarding one of the questions discussed at the meeting regarding what would happen if our chapter didn't have a complete executive board in the upcoming elections in December, which I am certain will NOT be the case.  In any event, it is good to be informed.

From Markey: "To clarify, if a chapter does not have an executive board then there are several supportive steps that would need to be taken to try and help the chapter get an executive board.  With the Dixie chapter there were multiple meetings, notices and mailings in hopes of getting people interested in serving as chapter officers.  It was a process that took several months and initially it was the Regional Representative who assumed the leadership role.  The Regional Representative, Kathy Hokanson, also happened to be the San Rafael chapter president at the time.  It was only after these extraordinary steps were taken that it was determined to amalgamate the Dixie chapter into the San Rafael chapter.  However, the goal has always been to get the Dixie chapter back on its own.  There is no automatic amalgamation into another chapter."

I would also again, like to thank the Executive team, Webmaster and Chief Union Steward who continually put their long hours of time, effort and work into our chapter voluntarily.  We have become extremely well organized and feel honored to serve all of our members.

At 3:09pm, President Karen Ayala opened the meeting.  Present were: Karen Ayala, Terri Nadell, Nancy Duns, Alex Young, Debbie Aviron, Donna Prieto, Vicki Ascher, Liliana Nazarian, Erika Greene, Lorie Perez, Laura Keaton, Catherine Brady and Araceli Castaneda

Chapter Meeting
April 20, 2016
Tech Center 3:00-4:00pm

·         Chapter Meeting Agenda
·         Minutes of February 24, 2016 Chapter Meeting
·         Treasurer’s report
·         Transfer forms
·         Professional/Personal Growth Fund forms

Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved by Nancy Duns, seconded by Alex Young with no changes.

Secretary’s Report: The chapter minutes were approved by Donna Prieto, seconded by Alex Young with no changes.

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was approved by Debbie Aviron, seconded by Karen Ayala with no changes.

June CSEA Chapter Meeting/End of Year Celebration will be at Hopmonk:
The chapter meeting will be June 8, 2016 at Hopmonk from 4:00-6:00pm.  Karen will send out a reminder in May. Members will need to email (ONLY IF THEY ARE ATTENDING) their RSVP by May 31st as it is required to reserve a table. Our chapter will be providing a
$15.00 per person maximum for this meeting, excluding any alcoholic drinks.  Again RSVP’s are a must to attend and greatly appreciated.

Laptop purchase for CSEA use: Debbie Aviron and Nancy Duns were able to purchase the HP Laptop from Staples. Nancy will be reimbursed for the purchase she made on her credit card.  The cost was $634.24 including tax.  Alex Young will help to setup up the laptop for CSEA Chapter 327 use. Alex also was able to find a bag for us. Thank you Alex!

MCOE End of Year Celebration: The end of year celebration will be June 2, 2016 at the old Dixie Schoolhouse from 3:30-5:30pm. We have not heard yet if any CSEA employees are retiring at this time. Again, this is MCOE’s event not CSEA’s and Tracee Edmunds is in charge of this.

Professional/Personal Growth deadline: The deadline to turn in final reimbursement is May 15, 2016 due to PO cutoff dates set by the MCOE Business office.  Karen explained the process to new employees and handed out the correct 2015-16 forms needed.

Good of the Order: Paraeducators were reminded of the transfer form that would need to be filled out IF they are interested in any job openings which come up during the year. These forms are kept on file in Personnel for 1 year! This will allow you to find out about any openings during the year in the event you are interested. Be sure to fill out all details on the form expressing you would like to be notified of any openings which may come up during the course of the year. You don’t have to take the opening, but this allows you to be notified. For more information, you can check with Tracee Edmunds, Personnel Director.

Paraeducator Conference: Araceli and Liliana reported on the annual Paraeducators conference they attended this year. It was very informative and they will be sharing it with all the para’s when Janelle Campbell sets up the meeting.

Erika asked about the CSEA Chapter 327 Executive Board elections for next year and what would happen if there was an unfilled spot. Karen was going to clarify with Markey Lees, Labor Representative regarding the process and will let everyone know soon.

Adjournment was at 4:03pm