Thursday, April 14, 2016


From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Good Morning Everyone:

Please find attached the Chapter 327 agenda for April 20th which has pertinent information on it for everyone.
Hope you will join your Executive Board and get updated information on what is happening. Also, please bring your questions and/or concerns to the meeting on things you may wish to discuss at our June meeting.

Lastly, the board is looking for someone to run for President of our Chapter 327 at the end of this year for next year. I will most likely not be running. However, if a new person is elected in December for the 2017-18 year, I will be able to show them what is needed and what obligations they would have as President. Since our contract has already been negotiated through 2018 there is nothing really to do for negotiations. We are in maintenance mode which is really nice for a change. I do have one person possibly interested in running for President but this is not an absolute. We need someone who is looking for the same things we all strive for and that is a peaceful and equitable work place. This begins with YOU! Please email me directly if you are interested.  Also, if no one decides to run and we are left without a President or full Executive Board, our chapter will be handled by San Rafael District’s union and not ours. This would be a catastrophe for our local as we would lose control over what we have worked very hard to have.
Please do not let this happen.

Again, PLEASE come to our meeting Wednesday, April 20th from 3:00 – 4:00 pm.

Thank you everyone for your continued support.

Chapter Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
3:00-4:00 pm
Tech Lab Light snacks provided
  • Approval of agenda
  • Secretary’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Chapter business
    • June Year End CSEA Celebration at Hopmonk Tavern
      • June 8 2016 from 4:00-6:00pm-RSVP a must
    •  Laptop purchase for CSEA use-Alex to discuss
    •  MCOE end of year Celebration Reminder June 2, 2016
    •  Professional Development deadline May 15, 2016
  • Good of the Order
  • Adjournment