Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Chapter minutes-Prof Growth funds

From Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Hello Everyone:

Please find the minutes from the last chapter meeting below.  You can also click THIS LINK to obtain the new form for the Professional Growth funds.  Please use the correct form when you turn it in along with the original receipt(s).
You can send them to MCOE or put them in the CSEA box in shipping.  See you on November 16, 2016 for the special chapter meeting from 2:30 - 3:30 pm for a possible vote for the vacant office for 2017.
I'll send out the agenda next week.
Thank you.
Have a great day.

Chapter Meeting
October 26, 2016
Marin Room 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

At 2:36 pm, President Karen Ayala opened the meeting.  Present were: Karen Ayala, Terri Nadell, Nancy Duns, Alex Young, Debbie Aviron, Vicki Ascher, Frank Rodriguez, Nick Rhodes, Adriane Lommel, Catherine Brady, Liliana Nazarian, Aracelli Castaneda


·         Chapter Meeting Agenda
·         Minutes of August 16, 2016 Chapter Meeting
·         Treasurer’s report
·         Professional Growth Form

Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved by Nancy Duns, seconded by Terri Nadell with no changes.

Secretary’s Report: The chapter minutes were approved by Nancy Duns, seconded by Alex Young, with no changes.

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was approved by Adriane Lommel, seconded by Terri Nadell, with no changes.

Constitution and By Laws: We reviewed the Constitution and By Laws for a second time before the Chapter.
Below is the actual changes reviewed and to be voted on:
o   Article II, C-Lifetime retired Dues: changed from $24.00 to $36.00 per year o  Article III, Section 2-Chapter Dues: changed from $20.00 to $40.00 per year o  Article IV, Section B- delivery of information changed to be via email.
o   Article VI, Section 1-Meetings changed from monthly to be held every other month during August through June, including November
We submitted the above changes for Chapter approval and they were unanimously approved by our Chapter. We will submit them to the State for amendment.

Professional Growth Funds: The form has been updated with the current approved amount.  The approved amount previously was $150 for the first half year and $150 for the second half year. We have updated the amount to $200 for this year and $200 for next year on a first come first served basis as per usual and as per stated on the form.

Elections: The current board members holding the office of Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Communications Officer/Webmaster will run for office again for the term of January through December 2017 except for the office of President, which is currently held by Karen Ayala until her term is up December of 2016.  Vicki Asher has requested to run for the President’s position. The term starts in January of 2017 and runs through December 2017. Yolanda Simons has resigned as Union Steward. Adriane Lommel is considering filling the position of Union Steward. She has requested the Executive Board discuss ways strengthen the role of Union Steward by cultivating the program so others can carry on the work for the future. Adriane will give us her answer in writing.

Good of the Order: Frank Rodriguez our area director attended our Chapter meeting and made the announcement about the vacant Union Steward position.  He is a maintenance specialist at Windsor Unified School District as well as our Area B Director which is an elected position. Between February and May, he will be doing an Area B Institute, to bring members together and give trainings to benefit the local unions. These are open to the general membership. They have been working on Prop 55 passage and it is looking favorable to pass.  Karen thanked everyone for coming and Vicki and Adriane for considering filling the positions. Terri wants to thank Vicki for stepping forward.  We will confirm the next year Chapter and Board meeting dates at the Special and very short November meeting which is designed only for election purposes.

Adjournment was at 3:40 pm