Friday, November 18, 2016

Minutes Chapter meeting 11-16-16

From  Karen Ayala, Chapter 327 President:

Good Morning Everyone:

Please find below the minutes from our 11/16/16 CSEA Chapter 327 meeting. We have a new president for the 2017 year! Thank you Vicki Ascher for running this year and being willing to learn in this new and exciting adventure. Vicki has the amazing support of the rest of the Executive Board who consist of the same folks as our previous year(s):

Terri Nadell, VP
Nancy Duns, Treasurer
Debbie Aviron, Secretary
Alex Young, Communications Officer
And newly appointed Adriane Lommel, Chief Union Steward as of our last Chapter meeting.

A HUGE thank you to all of you for your past, present and continued future support. While these volunteer jobs seem so easy from the outside, it is only because the Board puts so much work, time and hard effort into making our lives, the membership, so much better. It is a lot of hard work and much time spent on making sure everything runs smoothly. So again, thank you very much for your time, care and devotion! “You are appreciated!” (2-PAC)
As stated in the minutes, our last chapter meeting for this year is on December 14, 2016 from 4-6 pm. RSVP’s are a must by DECEMBER, in order to reserve our table at Hopmonk.

Best Wishes and a Safe Journey to ALL of you~

Chapter Meeting 
November 16, 2016
Marin Room  -  2:30 pm-3:20 pm MINUTES

At 2:30 pm, President Karen Ayala opened the meeting.  Present were: Karen Ayala, Terri Nadell, Nancy Duns, Debbie Aviron, Adriane Lommel, Vicki Ascher, Luz Lopez, Catherine Brady and Alex Young


·         Chapter Meeting Agenda
·         Minutes of October 26, 2016 Chapter Meeting
·         Treasurer’s report
·         Meeting Schedule for 2017

Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved by Terri Nadell, seconded by Nancy Duns with no changes.

Secretary’s Report: The chapter minutes were approved by Adriane Lommel, seconded by Nancy Duns with no changes.

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was approved by Terri Nadell, seconded by, Karen Ayala with no changes.

Scholarship Fund: Set up timeline next year to advertise the scholarship fund to spend the money in the fund.

Elections: Karen Ayala has nominated Terri Nadell for Vice President, Karen Ayala nominated Alex Young as our Communications Officer. Terri Nadell nominated Nancy Duns as Treasurer, Nancy Duns nominated Debbie Aviron as Secretary. Karen Ayala nominated Vicky Ascher as the 2017 CSEA President. All nominations are now closed.  Since there was only a single nomination for each office, the single nominee in each category has been declared elected to that particular office and no balloting or other action is required.

Meeting Schedule for 2017: New schedule has been handed out and reviewed by the Chapter. We will change the February meeting to February 15, 2017.

December Meeting/Celebration: The Chapter meeting on December 14, 2016 will be held at Hopmonk from 4:00-6:00pm. Each person can spend $20.00 excluding alcohol.  Karen will email the Chapter for RSVP’s after the Executive Board Meeting.  RSVP is a must to attend. Please do so by December 5th so we are able to secure our table. This can be done via email to any of the board members. Thank you.

Good of the Order: Karen thanked the Board for all their support and help during her terms of service.  Karen thanked Catherine for always attending our meetings.

Adjournment was at 3:21 pm